Is the PMP certificate useful? It is very difficult to have a specific conclusion. Only those people who have taken the PMP exam know it. But everyone has different conditions, such as their time, place, opportunity, and ability. Then it also produces the three statements as we can see online, such as “The PMP test is useless”, “There is no change happening after passing the PMP exam” and “The PMP exam has brought me many benefits, and it is useful”. PMP does not have the ability to make the holder become the project manager directly. There is no magic formula for getting a salary raise once you get a certificate. But when it comes to promoting one person from a group to a project manager, a PMP is definitely the best candidate.

Is the PMP exam difficult? I am not here to say something fake that as long as you read a good book, you will pass the exam definitely. Objectively speaking, the PMP exam is not difficult. In China, it is a written test. And they are all multiple-choice questions.

Most of the PMP candidates are engaged in work, and most of their energy is focused on work, so their learning efficiency will be much lower. Therefore, they need to make a good preparation plan to achieve a balance among work, study, and life.

If you want to pass the PMP exam once, good study planning and learning methods plus confidence are essential, and then you will find that the PMP is not difficult to pass during the exam.

Here are some of my PMP exam preparation tips:

Before the Exam – Mentality & Plan

  1. Establish an optimistic and confident attitude. Don’t feel that you can’t pass the exam before you start to learn. No matter how poor your learning ability is, a good mental attitude can really create wonders. I suggest that the people who prepares for the PMP just graduated from the college for a few years basically, or have entered in the workplace for many years be firm in their own hearts. Because you will be boring in the process of learning PMBOK. What’s more, it may be many years since you have not studied as the school time. You must be not adapt to this learning process in the beginning certainly, so you need to force yourself to have a firm attitude.
  2. Make study plans according to your living habits, working hours and class courses, such as watching PMBOK from 8pm to 9pm and finishing exercise from 9pm to 10pm. But the premise is that it does not affect your work and life, so as to feel at ease and focus on learning.

The following plans are my study plan for your reference:

Stage 1 Learning the PMBOK

Stage 2 Understanding video handouts

Stage 3 Finishing the exercise

Stage 4 Reviewing the incorrect questions

Stage 5 The test sprint


Time                         Content


7:00-7:50                 Reciting the ITTO


12:20-12:30           Finishing 5 daily questions


20:00-21:00          Learning PMBOK and watching the videos


21:00-21:50 Finishing the chapter exercises and the knowledge points exercises

21:50-22:20 Sorting out the incorrect questions and reviewing the knowledge


Everyone’s learning style is different, so we need to find our own appropriate learning time. For example, some people like to study in the dead of night, while others like to study in the early morning. We can make a study plan according to our own learning habits.

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