Explainer videos have gained popularity as a marketing tool for companies to spread their messages, describe their goods and services, and interact with their target market.

Because people’s attention spans are shorter than ever, it can be difficult for businesses to convey their message clearly and effectively.

Making explanation videos that are brief—typically 60 seconds or less is a widespread technique. 

But can the intended message really be conveyed in this little amount of time? 

In this post, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing 60-second explainer videos as well as the elements to take into account when choosing the right duration for an explainer video.

Short explainer videos, such as those that are no longer than 60 seconds, have various advantages. 

They are firstly more likely to keep viewers’ attention. In today’s hectic digital environment, viewers have short attention spans and may rapidly lose interest if a video is too long. 

On the other hand, short videos have a higher probability of retaining viewers’ attention throughout their whole, improving the likelihood that the intended message will be properly conveyed.

Furthermore, shorter videos are easier to publish on social media and other websites. 

Shareability is an important feature to take into account given the rising popularity of social media as a marketing platform. 

It’s because they have a higher chance of being liked, shared, and commented on, which increases their visibility and the message of the company.

Thirdly, shorter videos are more suited for watching on mobile devices, which are currently the most popular method to consume digital material. 

Shorter videos are more convenient and accessible as more people access material on mobile devices, enabling them to effortlessly absorb the content on the move without losing interest.

But there are things to take into account when choosing the right duration for your explainer video. If the message is clear and concise, a 60-second explainer video could be enough to properly deliver the desired information. 

However, a lengthier video could be required to offer the essential facts and context if the subject is complicated and calls for a thorough explanation.

Another crucial factor businesses must pay attention to is the target audience’s attention span. Every internet consumer has different attention cycles, and it’s necessary to consider the varied preferences and habits of the audience targetted. 

For instance, younger audiences possess shorter attention spans and are thus likely to prefer short videos. Whereas on the other hand, older audiences are more inclined toward longer videos.

It’s also important to think about the platform where the explainer video will be hosted. Video length is limited on some platforms, like social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.

Shorter videos may be more suitable in these situations to meet the platform’s requirements. However, in order to provide more in-depth information, longer videos may be acceptable or even desired on other platforms like YouTube or a company’s website.

The ideal length is also determined by the desired outcome of the video. If the explainer video’s objective is to increase awareness, a shorter version may be sufficient to pique viewers’ interest.

In any case, in the event that the objective is to teach watchers or drive transformations, a more extended video might be important to give the fundamental data and convince watchers to make a move.

Short explainer videos can have advantages and disadvantages as well. The risk of oversimplifying the message or omitting crucial details is one potential obstacle when using a 60-second explainer video.

It is possible to compromise the message’s depth and accuracy when attempting to convey complex information in a short amount of time. Maintaining the message’s clarity, usefulness, and impact requires striking a balance between conciseness and efficacy.

It’s possible that a 60-second explainer video won’t be enough to get the point across. A longer video may be required if the subject matter is complex, the audience requires additional information, or the video must cover multiple aspects.

A video that feels rushed and lacks the necessary depth can result from rushing through the content in order to fit it into a 60-second window.

The need to carefully plan and script the content is another potential obstacle that can arise when using shorter explainer videos.

When you only have a limited amount of time, it’s critical to choose the most important information and present it in a way that is both engaging and concise.

This requires cautious preparation, prearranging, and storyboarding to guarantee that the video streams without a hitch and conveys the planned message successfully.


In conclusion, the length of an explainer video, whether it is 60 seconds or longer, is determined by a number of factors, including the hosting platform, the audience’s attention span, the message’s complexity, and the desired outcome.

While shorter videos have advantages such as increased attention retention, shareability, and suitability for mobile viewing, they may also pose difficulties due to oversimplifying the message and necessitating careful planning.

To ensure that the video conveys the intended message clearly, accurately, and effectively, it is essential to strike a balance between succinctness and effectiveness.

Businesses can create effective explainer videos that engage viewers and help them achieve their marketing objectives by carefully considering these factors and planning accordingly.

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Author Bio – Komal is the Co-Founder & CEO of MotionGility – An Animated Explainer Video Production Company based out of Pennsylvania, USA

Her areas of expertise include business development and explainer video production. With her disciplined attitude and knack for creativity, she and her team have delivered result-oriented and winning videos to hundreds of clients globally