Root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 with kingroot Step By Step
Samsung Galaxy Note9 SM-N960F
we provide instructions with pictures to root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 and we discuss errors of rooting and solutions. in this post, we use Kingroot application. (but you can use other Possible Options.) and included all possible root apps and other methods (with PC / without PC) to root your phone.. after root you can do anything such as speed up internet, Moving and removing pre installed Apps, Tethering, Application/ Network Control. speed up and increase battery life on rooted Device
♥ Note – Root Advantage and Disadvantage
What is the meaning of Root
♥ Actually a rooted phone is, you can do anything to phone. Just like phone which you made yourself. Normally before rooting, you can perform limited tasks but after rooting it change.
♥ As a admin user in your computer you can do anything. but If you are a guest user then you can do limited things. after rooted, your are the admin/ high privilege user
What can i do after rooting
♥ After Rooting, you can Unlock Hidden Features and Install “Incompatible Applications” and Automate Everything in your phone, Boost Battery Life and Your phone’s Speed. as wel as you can Remove Pre-installed apps. Flash custom Rom/Recovery. More Details – What can I do with a rooted phone | List of Things
♥ After rooting, phone processes runs its ultimate speed.. and RAM runs ultimate speed too.. can remove pre-installed apps.. That means, no more getting stuck, freezing, no more force stop messages Note– If you want these performance, then you need to install some root apps Read more
♥ other things that you can – Root file explorers, Moving and removing Apps, Tethering, Screen shots & Screen recording, Backups, get deleted Messages from whatapp, viber. Application/ Network Control, Xposed Framework, CPU Control, Enable swap file / partition, Advanced and Miscellaneous, Enable OTG Support (connect USB pen to phone) Read more
♥ Note- What is the Stock & Custom Rom? Firmware? Bootloader?
Before performs the ” root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 “, you should know these things
♥ kingroot have two rooting methods. in this guide we use kingroot application. also there is software. if you like, you can use it
♥You can do this if you have unlocked phone .
♥ When you rooted Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 phone, it cause to cancel phone’s warranty. But you can unroot anytime.
♥ if you use pc for rooting then phone’s pc software does not want to install but driver must works on your PC without error.Install Drivers
How to Root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 with kingroot without Risk
Requirement for rooting your Device
♦ Your Device should have 50% + battery.
♦ KingRoot application
♦ USB drivers.
♦ Enable developer mode
♦ You had better get backup (easy and ultimate backup) before Rooting.
Top One Root apps for Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016
Step 1,
- Download KingRoot and copy paste to your phone’s SD card.
2. Go to SD card, tap the “kingroot” then, check “unknown sources”
3. after that, Tap “install”. please wait while installing.

Step 2,
- After intalling KingRoot app, Open it.
- Now Tap “try to Root”
Step 3,
- After performing Root, You can use your phone. and Pop S9 custom Roms/Stock Roms/Recovery
Now your android device is rooted.
To check whether rooted or not install this root checker app.
IF you want to Unroot, Click this
Replace Kinguser with SuperSU.

in this post, we are going to replace kinguser with supersu. It seems SuperSu works all android devices. SuperSu is app , managing root permissions of your pho0ne. This is step by step guide tutorial. this works for Samsung Galaxy Devices too. Read More
I can’t root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 with kingroot.
Tell me error msg that you got with what app that was you use to root.. then i can suggest solutions for it. or try other possible methods. i Recommend you to try CF Root.
- Use different root app Like CF Root, kingoroot, King-root, Root Gineus , FramaRoot
- other Possible Options
Root fail in kingRoot/Kinguser/framaRoot/kingoroot
- Use different root app Like CF Root, kingoroot, King-root, Root Gineus , FramaRoot
- other Possible Options
su binary needs to be updated/kinguser binary (su) must be updated
One unroot. and remove roots apps and restart the phone. follow this guide line step by step with new files.
Fix “Unfortunately, kinguser has Stopped” Error in Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016
- Restat your Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016. check it works?
- not works then clear the Cache of kinguser.
Fix “Unfortunately, kingroot has Stopped” Error in Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016
1. Reboot your device. Not works? then go to 2
2. Delete cache and data in kinguser
FIX KINGROOT APK ERRORS “NO STRATEGY FOUND” / Root Failed! ConnectionUnstabitil

this error happen some times, when user downgrade the OS, using unstable internet connection or using old version of kingroot APK. however you can try with these kingoroot, King-root, Root Gineus , FramaRoot, other Possible Options
error code of 172/Error #5/error /#6 Error # 7/Error # 8/Error # 0x1720AA #0x15F6D5
- Try to unlock Bootloader
- Use different root app Like kingoroot, King-root, Root Gineus , FramaRoot, other Possible Options
fix Google Play Store error codes
Error rpc:aec:0] – Error 110,Error 505,Error 923,Error 961,Error 504,Error rh01,Error 919,Error 921,Error – 923, error – 491,Error 101,Error 481
1.use New Google acoount.
2.delete apps data. Clear cache,Clear data
3.delete media fies and get space.
error code: 0x19E775? / need root
Use different Root app. Try kingroot
Your Phone is so solid to root: Network error. failed to get components.
Are you sure Data /WIFI is on?. If it is off, on it
After Rooting, Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 is not wokring.. stuck at boot, continuously restarts,

Your Stock Rom image or Custom image has been damaged so you have to install Stock Rom or Custom Rom again. Is Sound big? Don’t worry we have step by step dedicated Posts here.
After root some of Features Not working
Q : yesterday i rooted my phone and Now, WiFi, Mobile data, Bluetooth, sensors, keyboard, speakers,MIC, Host-spot and GPS does not work properly.
A : It seems, Something gone Wrong. When we are rooting these kind of things may happen. All you have to do is Install Stock Rom and then again try to root your device.
I want to manually root Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2016 with kingroot
Kingroot is always updating application. some times your device is not supported by this app.. However, If you are still unable to root your Device, You have two options. one is, try root manually or use different Root app – Best Apps that kingoroot, King-root, Root Gineus , FramaRoot, other Possible Options
After root, battery drain so fast

Some users, when perform root, have noticed that their battery life goes down a so fast With just a simple wipe your phone or wipe of the battery stats file though, you can get your battery back up and running to its full capacity. Read More
Samsung health can’t be open on rooted device

i want a help regarding serious problem with my Galaxy. Whenever I open Samsung health app it says ” because of new security policy Samsung health can’t be open on rooted device” Read More – Install S-Health App on Rooted Samsung Galaxy with Tripped KNOX

A lot of people have started facing this very strange error on their Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Previously I thought that this error is affecting a very small batch of phones but recently I started receiving more and more requests for this error. Basically, Samsung Galaxy Read More
KNOX Void Warranty 0x1 / knox counter / Reset KNOX Counter to 0x0

If you’re constantly playing around with your device and installing custom ROMs, you might occasionally encounter a technical problem that requires a visit to a service center. However this ” reset knox warranty void 0x1 back to 0x0″ problem can be fixed without service center – Read More
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