Every manufacturer will aim for the optimal performance in their manufacturing process, which includes CNC prototyping, and to achieve this, you will need to consider various aspects during the material selection phase. The materials you are using for CNC prototyping and machining processes will determine the resulting prototypes or product samples you will get. 

This article will talk about how to select the various materials for CNC prototyping, including the factors to consider for optimal performance.

Will CNC Material Selection Affect Your CNC Machining Performance?

The simple answer is yes, and this is the reason you can’t just expect all CNC prototyping operations to be one and the same, such as expecting them to have the same estimated time completion or the same costs of production.

For example, the material selection in CNC prototyping will also affect how you consume the electricity and how the machining process will operate. The harder the materials, the more electricity consumption it will need, and the harder the machine tools will work. It also means that you might need to replace the machine tools more often when you use more difficult or harder materials for your CNC prototyping, which affects the overall manufacturing performance.

Here are the factors to consider in selecting the CNC prototyping materials:

  • Material grade and hardness. Each company that offers the complete prototyping services will provide you with the list of materials with their qualities and properties information, such as the grades and hardness levels. Keep a balance when selecting between material grades and hardness levels, as they can affect the overall CNC prototyping performance.
  • Design requirements. Another factor you need to consider when selecting the CNC prototyping materials is the design requirements that you have. It’s important to check the requirements of the prototypes or product samples you need to build, as not all materials will meet your requirements. Sometimes, it is also a good idea for you to switch to different materials and not be too rigid with your design requirements.
  • The availability of alternative materials. It’s also better for you to consider the alternative materials you can use for your prototype building, as they can offer the best options for you to either improve the time effectiveness and cost effectiveness of your CNC prototyping activities. Look for the alternative materials to ensure that you can get the best material selection for your project.
  • Machinability factor. How machinable is the CNC material? It’s always best for you to pick the materials with the highest machinability factor, without having to settle for less in terms of quality.
  • Environmental condition for your prototypes. You might need to create prototypes for specific operational conditions, such as for high temperature operations or low temperature operations. The environmental condition for your prototypes will affect the way you select the materials for them, as different materials will have different durability in high and low temperatures.
  • Material costs. If costs are your concerns, you can pick the materials with similar properties that are much cheaper to use as your prototyping materials.
  • The cosmetic features of the materials. Last but not least, the cosmetic factor is also important for you to consider when selecting the CNC prototyping materials. Some materials can provide you with the best finishing look right after you complete the machining process, even without any additional processing. You can pick the materials that can provide the best cosmetic features, as it can also help in optimizing the performance of the prototype.

Important Things You Need to Avoid during the CNC Material Selection

Selecting the wrong materials for your CNC prototyping can potentially cause various problems in your CNC machining operations as well as in the resulting prototype products. It’s best for you to avoid the mistakes in choosing the wrong materials for this process.

Here are some important things you need to avoid during the CNC material selection:

  • Picking the cheapest materials available. Cheapest doesn’t always mean most valuable. In terms of material selection, selecting the cheapest material without considering its value will only make it worse for the final products you will create with it.
  • Neglecting the environment-related properties. You don’t want to create a prototype that you will not be able to use for optimal performance later, so it’s always important for you to consider the environment-related properties of the materials. Want to create a prototype for heat-intensive operations? Choose the materials that can handle high temperatures well.
  • Picking the materials with limited availability. Picking the materials that are not readily available will give you a bigger problem later on, when you need to get more materials to produce more prototypes or product samples for your project. It’s best to stick with materials that are readily available, so you can just reproduce your prototypes as much as you need.
  • Not considering the machinability of the materials. The machinability factor of the materials can also affect how optimal the rapid manufacturing process will be. The better the machinability of the materials, the more optimal your CNC prototyping, meaning that it becomes important for you to pick the materials with the highest machinability factor.
  • Neglecting the dimensional accuracy and tolerances factors. Some materials are best to use for dimensional accuracy and tighter tolerances, whereas others might not be too precise or accurate when you machine them. Depending on your project and whether your prototype will require the best dimensional accuracy, it’s best for you not to neglect these important factors.


The material selection phase is important to determine the success and optimal performance of your CNC prototyping activities. You can’t neglect the importance of picking the right materials for your CNC machining activities, as your result will also depend on the materials you select. It is also important to avoid the mistakes associated with selecting the wrong materials for CNC prototyping if you want to avoid any issues with your product samples or prototypes later.

TEAM Rapid provides a wide range of CNC prototyping solutions that you can use to complete your prototyping projects, whether you need the prototypes for the automotive, medical, consumer electronics, or any other industries.